Our Thoughts on Pricing

A known problem

Commissions don't work

We believe that a client should not pay more management fees just because they increased their ad spend and this applies to most cases. If the only variable that changed was ad spend but that did not require any meaningful additional effort on the part of the agency why would the agency charge more?

That is the standard pricing model in the industry. The way it’s justified is by saying that an agency deserves to share in the rewards of a successful account. But that is a big IF though.

In reality, most times clients end up having to bring down their spend as performance deteriorates after a “recommendation” to increase budgets. By the time any performance issues are addressed guess who made a killing. We have been in that exact situation and we think it’s not right.

Pricing that makes sense

We know from experience that choosing the right agency comes down to more than just pricing. But at the end of the day the decision depends on your willingness to pay a premium to mitigate your risks and maximize your chances of success, particularly if there are reasonable budgets involved. Read on to get a better idea of how we price our services and why it’s important for you.

Value based pricing

Are you willing to pay for excellent or do you want to stay with cheap and decent? The most successful companies choose excellent every time. We’ll agree on a flat price based on your needs and the value that we offer. With no long term contracts you can easily walk if you’re not happy.      

Predictable and financially sensible

When you know exactly how much you pay every month it makes it easier to plan all your financial moves. If we recommended you to up your budgets because we saw higher demand and you had a killer month you don’t have to see a good chunk of your gains evaporate. Our value is already priced in.

Why we're picky

We don’t work with everyone. If we believe we’re not a good fit or are not convinced that we can have a considerable impact on your ROI we’d rather move on and will be happy to recommend someone else. We believe in not making promises and over delivering and our clients get the added value when we go well beyond our way to help them in areas that are not necessarily what they hired us for. 

Custom pricing options

While we strongly believe in value based flat pricing structures we also recognize that some clients are different. For example some clients like to introduce some form of incentive element on their pricing. If we believe that we’re a good fit we will work with you on the best pricing based on your needs, your goals and what we bring to the table.

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