Are we a good fit?

What's good for both

We don’t pretend to be the right fit for every client and it’s better to make things clear so that we can both make the best decision. You may be better off with another agency… or not.  To see if it makes sense to work together check this list we’ve put together below. 

Yes, we can be a good fit if...

You already have a sizable number of leads or sales but you have not been able to take it to the next level. You’ve been advertising online for a while in different channels but are not sure what’s wrong.

We have worked together before and you value what we bring to the table. You would like to explore how we can reconnect and do great things together again. 

You’re looking for a premium agency and definitely have experienced the trust issues we have mentioned in the past. You are practical and put more value in the return of your investment than on just price.  

You likely are a medium sized business that spends at least 20K per month on digital advertising. You’re happy to increase your ad dollars if you get a nice ROI. 

You realize that it’s best to put your advertising budgets in expert hands and free up your team to work on other areas of your marketing strategy or you just want to streamline your business.

No, we won't be a good fit if...

If this is the most important thing for you then we are not a good match. There’s plenty of cheap consultants and agencies out there who would love to take your business.

If your business is new at PPC and you just want to see if it works for you then we may not be the right fit. We work best with established accounts that already have a foundation to grow and scale.

There are other agencies and consultants better suited to work with you out there. It is difficult to scale the advertising efforts of a business with a limited reach. 

If you need to be constantly checking what we’re doing for you then you probably need to bring things in-house and we’re definitely not a good fit.

Our reputation was built on being direct and not sugar coating things while also being respectful and constructive. If you do not value feedback that may be critical of other areas that we think are limiting your results then we’re probably not a good fit. 

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