Amazon Advertising

Work with a team that knows well how to manage the peculiar ways of the Amazon ad platform to get real results.

The Amazon Ad Platform

Amazon is a very powerful platform but it’s no Google or Facebook. It doesn’t have the same level of sophistication and tools to help advertisers make the most of their budget. However, you have to play the same ball to tap into the over 55% of users who search on Amazon first when they want to shop for something.

Moreover, most advertisers simply don’t know how optimize their ACOS and either have unprofitable campaigns or are profitable but can’t scale their sales.

At Prime Target we take an integrated approach to Amazon marketing and work with clients to ensure that they hit their goals profitably while their teams focus on store management, inventory and other admin related tasks.

Are your Amazon sales dying?

Tame Your ACOS

Amazon Ads Management

We identify the right types of campaign mix that you need based on your products, your competitors and your capabilities. We create, manage and optimize your campaigns to stay at the right ACOS levels to hit your profitability targets.

Product Listing Optimization

Organic traffic in Amazon is not exactly like what you know of Google and SEO. Your organic traffic will depend quite a lot on your sales metrics and how your advertising performs to you there. We will optimize your listing regularly, track your keyword performance and adjust accordingly while we manage your campaigns.

Listing Monitoring and Review Management

Amazon Reviews can make or break your products. We can get you the reviews volume that you need, legally and ethically, and work with your team to help you moderate any resulting issues. At the same time, hijackers are real and they can destroy all the effort and gains of months by jumping on your ASIN to sell a similar or counterfeit version of your product. We will monitoring your listing for hijackers and buybox wins changes to minimize and mitigate any negative impacts.

Store and Content Optimization

A well designed store and product listing page can result in up to 10% increase in conversion rates. Let our team create a better converting store and product page with top user experience and a mobile first approach.

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